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Hip Chair

By Admin

Post Surgery Equipment

Think, High chair for adults.  

Our hip chair is a great alternative to a lift/recliner after surgery.  This chair helps you get to a standing position without using your core muscles, which are usually unusable after hip, back, neck, or shoulder surgery.  

Pair this with our Ice Machine for a speedy and complete post-surgical recovery.

Seat is taller than a standard chair
Made from premium vinyl and durable steel frame
Comfortable padded seat and back for extended use
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$15.00/Day $50.00/Week $150.00/Month
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  • Discount () $0.00
  • Subtotal $15.00
  • Tax (0.00%) () $0.00
  • Shipping Charge () $0.00
  • Security Deposit Amount () $100 This amount will be refunded, once the equipment is returned to Vendor safely
  • Grand Total $115.00

Call us at 908-352-8808 ext 2 to make a payment for your reservation over the phone

Call 908-352-8808 ext 2 to process your payment and finalize your reservation.